Sunday, August 26, 2007

Noah H's 4th Birthday Party

Rrraaahhh! I'm a TIGER.
This is Noah H's party. He's got lots of cousins, more cousins than I can count on my fingers & toes.
I liked getting my face painted but i didn't want mum to take any pictures tho, she get's a bit silly with the camera.
The clown made me a cool balloon sword and balloon gun, but i lost them in battle so retreated to the trampoline where there was a battle of trampoline tricks, i was trying to keep up with the big boys and mum thought i was going to break my neck, i bet she is rethinking that chrismas pressie.
I learned some new party games, but i didn't understand the musical spots game and i wasn't very happy when i was first to get out, but Noah M and I cheated and snuck back into the game.

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