Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Can

I'm learning soooo much. In the past few weeks, i've shown some new skills and mum has been pretty impressed.

Using a screwdriver - to take screws out of my toys. Mum should get rid of the plastic tools, I need real ones now.

Counting - I can count to 14 without any trouble, i get a bit mixed with the teens, but coming along nicely.

Math - I can add and subtract anything that adds up to 10

Reading - I know all the alphabet and can recognise both upper and lowercase letters, i still argue with mum over M's & W's. I can spell my own name and am starting to read. I can read & spell 5 other words without looking - Cat, Dog, Bed, Zoo, Hot. One of my favourite books is Madagascar because I can read all the Zoo words - very exciting. Mum has put labels on stuff around the house to help me. My other favourite book is The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. Mum is reading it to me every night.

Whistle - I can whistle, i've been practising by myself and showed mum, she got very excited.

Computer - I can turn the computer on, put in mum's password (she was a bit shocked cos she didn't show me, i looked over her shoulder one day), open the video programs and load up my DVD's to watch. I can use all of the menu options, i even showed mum how to quickly get back to the menu's. I can also hook up the playstation and operate the menu's. Mum says i'm not allowed to plug in the power tho (I told her Connor did it, not me!)

Phone - I can use the phone now, mum showed me once on the home phone and wrote down Oma & Grandad's phone number. I don't need the number anymore cos I can remember it. Oma & Grandad like it because I ring them at least twice a day, mum is not so impressed that i use her mobile when she is not looking and says i have to use the house phone.

Bat & Ball - I can use the bat & ball by myself, i throw the ball a bit & hit it with the bat.

Tramp - I can do 'knees' and 'bum' jumps on the tramp. Mum doesn't like my attempts at doing flips, it freaks her out.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Andy Warhol

Pretty Cool huh! Mum & I went to the Andy Warhol exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art. While I wasn't interested in the art, I was interested in the air coming out of the floor vents.

Then we went to the kids exhibition where I got these cool photos done, played with the silver clouds (balloons) and pushed them back into the air, made a tower of boxes, saw myself on a big screen and played with a touch screen computer. I asked mum if I can go back to Andy's to play.

We went to Trin's after for a BBQ.

More Warhol

15 seconds of fame

My 15 seconds of fame.

I didn't like it.

We drove past the Mater Mothers Hospital and Mum said I was born there. I said "yeah and I didn't like it, I was crying and there was too much lights and I couldn't do this (covering my eyes with my hands)".
Meanwhile.... Mum thinks this is weird cos I did spend 2 days under the UV lights & in UV blankets for jaundice & does some internet research... turns out it's not unknown or unusual for kids to remember their birth!!!! Mum just hopes I don't remember the 15 heel pricks I had in my first 5 days....

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mum shouldn't Brag!

My mum did brag to Oma that I didn't get into mischief while she wasn't looking....... Well, she shouldn't say stuff like that!

Now that I'm 4, I can do a lot more, like take stuff apart with a screwdriver while Mum is on the phone. Seeing as I am so handy with a screwdriver, mum put me to work on putting shelves together.